Let’s Start a Virtual University admission process that represents a gateway to a world of digital education. Virtual University welcomes students from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. With rapid advancement scope of flexible Higher Education increased and to fill this gap Virtual University offers number of academic programs to bridge the gap between aspiring students and quality education.
We are living in an era of virtual learning and Virtual University serves as the key to unlocking a wealth of educational opportunities. Here we discuss step by step complete admission process of Virtual University. You can watch below video and apply for admission and also read the complete process where you will get answers of all questions regarding Virtual University Admission Process and criteria.
Virtual University Admission Schedule
VU offers admission twice a year, once in spring semester (February/March) and once in fall semester (August/September). To see current admission schedule, click the button below.
Virtual University Admission Schedule
Virtual University Admission Criteria
Here we are going to discuss about Admission Criteria of different Virtual University programs. I will discuss eligibility criteria of all programs and also you will get answers to every question regarding VU admissions.
Age Limit for Virtual University Admissions
There is no specific age limit to get admission at Virtual University. If a person wants to get education in any stage of his life, he may get enrolled as per the eligibility criteria of Virtual University of Pakistan. Degree Gap to Get Admission at Virtual University
Degree Gap to Get Admission at Virtual University
Virtual University offers admission to every age group and there is no specific time gap required to get admission at Virtual University. If you stop your study for years and now want to improve your studies here is good news for you, you can enroll at Virtual University to achieve your goals like Promotion, Skill Enhancement, and foreign nationality.
Migration Process from Other University to Virtual University
If a student wants to migrate from any other University to Virtual University he has to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria of that specific course. If a student fulfills the basic criteria he has to apply on the basis of his studied courses through Credit Transfer Route. The detailed process of applying through credit transfer is explained below. The documents required to apply for migration are as under:
- No Objection Certificate (NOC) Obtained from the respective Registrar Department.
- Partial Transcript: Obtained from the Examination department of the respective University.
- Course out Line: Student Obtained a signed Course outline from his academics department.
BS 5th Semester Admissions at Virtual University
Virtual University offers BS 5th semester for all its offered academic programs. Aspirant students who completed their Graduation (ADP, BA, BSc, or equivalent degree may apply for admission through entry route. Students have to fulfill basic criteria of the program where they want to get admission. Basic eligibility criteria will be determined on the basis of intermediate marks and subjects. Detail Process to Apply for Admission in BS 5th Semester is explained in Online Admission Procedure.
Degrees offered by Virtual University of Pakistan
- ADP Programs: Associate degree (ADP): ADP Programs are offered after the discontinuation of BA, BSc degree programs. ADP Degree consists of 4 semesters/2 years and is equal to 14 years of education.
- BS Programs: BS Programs consist of 8 semesters / 4 Years and equals to MA/MSc 16 years of education.
- MS Programs: Virtual University currently offers MS Computer Science Program only. MSCS program consists of 4 semesters/ 2 years and equals to 18 years of education.
- Bed 1.5/2.5 Years Program: Virtual University also offers Bed 1.5-year and 2.5-year programs. Basic eligibility criteria for Bed 1.5 year is 16 years of education and consists of 3 semesters/ 1.5 Years. Bed 2.5-year basic eligibility criteria is graduation / 14 years of education and this program consists of 5 semesters / 2.5 years.
- Diploma Programs: Virtual University offers diploma programs in different disciplines. Diploma programs consist of 2 semesters / one year and the eligibility criteria is Graduation / 14 years of education to apply for this program.
- Certificate Program: Basic criteria for admission to the certificate course is Candidate can read, write, and understand English language and candidate can apply maximum of 4 certificate courses in one semester. One certificate course consists of one semester/6 months.
- Additional Specialization Certificate: These certificate courses are offered in 5 specializations, Banking, Finance Human Resource Management, Management, and Marketing. Eligibility criteria to enroll in this course is 16 years of education. This course is suitable for working professionals who are already doing a job and don’t have a specific degree according to their Job Description. They can get this certification to enhance their organizational performance.
Virtual University Online Admission Procedure

New Registration/Sign Up
- Enter your Full Name in the First Box
- Enter your CNIC/B form number in the second dialogue box
- Enter your email address (If you Don’t have an E-mail ID Create New.
- Enter your mobile number with country code 923********
- Enter your password in the password dialogue box (The Password should consist of Capital Letters, small letters, Special characters and numbers. i.e. Abcd@123
- Press the “SignUp” button and you will get a verification link to your registered email. Open your email account open the email sent by Virtual University and click on the verification link..

Virtual University Admission Portal Login
Enter your CNIC/B-FORM number and password and press Sign In.

Virtual University Admission Form Filling
Six-steps process for completing the online admission form for the Virtual University of Pakistan is as follows:

Program Selection
- Status: In the first step, student chose its location Pakistani or Outside Pakistan/Overseas Pakistani. The application process for Overseas Pakistani is little bit different mostly the process is the same.
- Degree Program: Select the level of a degree program. Vu offered different programs at different levels (Details given above).
- Study At: Home based, – Campus based. There is no major difference between Home Base and Campus Base students. The only difference is students with Home base status are not allowed to use Computer Lab and campus base students are allowed to use Computer Lab In both cases you have to select your preferred campus.
- Lab Selection: In the next step of the BioSciences program student have to choose their preferred city Bio Lab. Once the candidate chooses a lab He / She is not allowed to change her lab city, so choose wisely.
After filling in the complete information, Press Save and Move Next

Personal Information
- The candidate fills in his personal information Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, religion, contact number, and educational details in the respective dialogue box.
- In the next portion select your employment status in “Yes” or “No”. Next, give your feedback and answer a few questions about where you hear about Virtual University, etc.
- Disable candidates have to select nature of their disability and upload supporting documents in relevant fields.

Need Based Scholarship Form
If a candidate is interested to apply for Need Based Scholarship, he/she may select “Yes” and complete scholarship form. Rest other candidates select “NO” and skip this form.

Exemptions/Credit Transfer/Entry Route for BS 5th Semester Admission
There are three options available in this portion. If a candidate is not applying for BS 5th Semester or course exemptions He / She may press ‘No’ and move forward.

Credit transfer (Course Exemption)
If a student wants to migrate from another university, or a student from a Virtual University whose admission is canceled due to any reason select this option and fill complete form.
Students have to choose each subject in a given column against the VU subject in which they seek exemption. Certain policies are implemented for all of these students to read all policies follow the below link and read carefully.

BS 5th Semester Admission (BS Entry Route )
Students who are going for BS 5th semester chose this option and filled in some basic information about their last degree. This portion is very important to fill, if student do not fill in this option he/she may not treat as BS 5th-semester student.

Upload Documents and Submit Application
In this portion student will fill all required documents in respective fields in (jpg, jpeg) with maximum size of 1 MB each: Photograph with Signature, CNIC / B. Form, Handwriting Sample, Relevant Academic Result Cards/Certificates/Degrees. Students with complete results and official result cards are eligible to apply for admission. After completing this portion click save and next.
In this portion, the student review his application and after carefully reviewing the application student press submit application button. After successfully submission of application student have to take print of RS: 500 fee voucher. Student may pay this voucher through Easy Paisa application, Bank Alflah or Habib Bank Ltd.

Virtual University Admission Confirmation
- Admission Application Form will be scrutinized and marked as Accepted/Rejected/Blurry Documents on the basis of admission eligibility criteria.
- If a student does not fulfill eligibility criteria his application is marked as Rejected.
- If uploaded documents are found Blurry the admission department marks the application as blurry and gives a chance to students to upload fresh documents.
- When the Application status is marked as Accepted the student receives an admission fee voucher and he has to pay fee to secure his admission at Virtual University of Pakistan.
- For merit-based programs merit list will be uploaded to the Virtual University Website and an admission fee voucher will be issued to all successful candidates.
- Status of the admission will be published on VU website link “Admitted Candidate List”.
- Admission will be given to those candidates who will deposit fee within due date.
- After paying admission fee voucher student will receive “Student VUID” & “Password” on their registered Email addresses.
- All successful candidates will be called for Orientation session at their nearest campus for guidance and support.
- Virtual University Communicate with Candidates through their Registered Email on all steps.
Virtual University Rules and Regulation?
Student Visit https://handbook.vu.edu.pk/ for complete VU Rules and Regulations.

“Education is one thing no one can take away from you.”
— Elin Nordegren