Here we are going to discuss about value of virtual university Degree and how it will help in student’s career growth. When we are going to enroll in any program in any university few question always comes in our mind.
Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognition
Private or Government University
National and International Worth of Degree
Additional Skills and Practical Knowledge
In this article, we will get answers of all these questions and also learn about Virtual University and Online learning.
Virtual University History
In that era, Virtual University was established under supervision of Dr Naveed A Malik (Founder Rector VU). At that time, only few technology-based universities were existed in the world. Before the widespread of internet, VU began its operations with the mission statement of “Education at your doorstep.”
Key Features of Virtual University Degree
Here we discuss one by one all Key Factors of Virtual University of Pakistan Degree.
HEC Recognized University
Virtual University is a Federal government University works under the monitoring of Ministry of Information Technology (MOITT). Virtual University Degree is recognized by HEC and acceptable worldwide.

Digital Learning
Students who enroll at Virtual University start learning basics of computer from very first day. There is no Paper, no ink so students cannot copy the papers and there are no Physical teachers who can be convinced to give favor to any student.
Qualified Faculty
Virtual University presents an extraordinary opportunity for students to engage in its demanding academic programs, irrespective of their geographical constraints. In doing so, it seeks to address the pressing issue of limited educational resources within conventional universities while also confronting the critical shortage of highly qualified professors across the nation. Virtual University achieves this by recognizing and enlisting the expertise of the foremost educators in the country, irrespective of their institutional affiliations. These distinguished professors are entrusted with the task of crafting and delivering exceptional courses, with the ultimate goal of not only benefiting their own students but also extending this educational excellence to students enrolled in universities throughout the country.

Finding a good, highly qualified and experienced faculty for any university is really a big problem here. Either average universities can’t afford very highly qualified and skilled faculty members or they don’t even get good faculty members. Virtual University is the only university in Pakistan which isn’t majorly facing that problem and providing lectures by best professors without the need of permanently hiring them.
Most of the VU’s lectures are given by different Rectors, Deans, and Department Heads of various top universities of the country. Dr. Junaid Zaidi, is one of such examples. VU students have complete access of lectures, handouts and books and during my studies I was contacted multiple times by students of other universities to help them getting VU’s lectures and handouts (notes) of specific courses. Many professors, Lecturers recommend VU lectures and Handouts to their student to grasp strong concept of subjects.
Virtual University Support System

VU is considered to be the pioneer of digital educational services in Pakistan. I haven’t seen any university even closer to their digital services.
In today’s digital world when Pakistani universities are relying on writing letters and long applications for even very minor requests and waiting for weeks for a single request to be processed, VU at the same time is extremely professional and fast in responding to the email and helpline(VU Support) based queries. All basic required quires are easily addressed through student LMS and for general quires student may approach to relevant department through VU support system where he can get replay within 24 hours.
A student can reach out any faculty member, department or management’s persons even at mid night by simply writing an email and it will not even take more than few hours in most cases to get an instant reply. So whatever query you have it will be listened and addressed.
Virtual University of Pakistan Website
It is really tough to get complete information’s about our major universities courses and admission process. Many universities are still not develop online admission platform. So Student have to travel to different cities to apply in different universities.
Now the things are getting better for other universities but VU is pioneer in implementation of latest technologies to support its students. You can find each and every information with complete contact details at VU website.

Virtual University Infrastructure
VU’s department for recording lectures and entire infrastructure for broadcasting these lectures is exceptional. Student Learning Management System is highly effective and interactive where student can take lectures, download Handouts, Related Material and submit their quizzes and Assignments. VULMS quite work like a class room for students where student can interact with their teachers through MDB and ask question regarding lectures.
Flexibility for Students
VU offers maximum flexibility for students. By keeping this flexibility and distance education in view, this is the best university for industry professionals or anyone who want to pursue their education besides working full time. You can opt for any of the following two modes:

Study at Home
If you have internet access and you don’t have time or resources to visit campus you can study at home through VULMS.
Virtual University Campuses
VU have around 180+ campuses across the country, which none of the other universities have. So no matter you’re living in a big city or in a small town of any province, you can easily visit campus on regular basis to study and network with class mates & campus fellows.
Virtual University Exams Date Sheet
The biggest and most amazing thing about VU is their flexibility in making Date Sheets. Did you know that students at Virtual University can make their own exam datasheet based on their own ease and convenience?
VU is the only university in Pakistan where student make their date sheet according to their convenience. What else a student can think and wish. VU datasheet portal is one of the unique system and bench mark for universities from all over the world.

Affordable Fee of Virtual University of Pakistan
This is one of the most affordable university in the country which is really an educational institute with a focus to deliver best education rather than a typical business to earn from students & their parents.
Virtual University Overseas Studies
There’re no boundaries to get education at VU. You can study from anywhere in the world. Yes in the world! If you’re a traveler or required to travel to some other cities, you can pursue your studies. You can take exam in any campus across Pakistan or anywhere from the world.
Enhance Problem Solving Skills
Besides studying in VU, students can do jobs or businesses which help them gaining more exposure, skills and experience after their graduation as compare to fresh graduates of other universities. Best for females, house wives and all those students who have issues in commute due to any reason.
Self-Learning Skills
The best way to learn is self-learning. After COVID complete education system make shift from Brick and Mortar system to online. The learning model of VU enables self-learning skills in students during their studies.
Now every university in the world is offering online courses for students. Due to online education students can learn from world top ranked universities. VU students are already trained and know the process so they easily become part of these online courses and enhance their skills.

Free skill Base Courses
Virtual University also offer free online courses to its students. Many online courses like NetCade, Digiskills Courses are offered to VU Students to upscale their skills.
Personal Experience as Virtual University Student
I think one’s skills, expertise, passion and abilities are more important than the worth of degree at least I’ve personally experienced this from my industry experience of 10+ years. You can find VU students in every field of daily life even at very good positions like students of any other university. Here’s my try to share both strengths and weaknesses of Virtual University.
Disadvantages of Studying at Virtual University
The only weakness of Vu is lack of physical networking with your teachers and classmates. The student may overcome this by visiting campus and engage in on campus and off campus activates.
Hard work is Mandatory
According to the prospective of student VU demands very hard work. Believe me it’s not really easy to get good GPA at VU. You need to go through a very tough schedule of regular quizzes and assignments in order to get GPA.
In short and descriptive way, I want to say a line
“Worth is only related to HUMAN Not, a Piece of paper

So don’t worry about worth piece of paper which might be valuable till interview room But your value is long lasting for companies and employers due to your skills and hard work. Virtual University train and educate their students in a way where they can troubleshoot adopt change easily and they have practice of self-learning so they can easily grow.
Leave behind this thinking that only lectures can teach you. VU education model is the future, go for Harward University and other universities offering online courses with the hefty $ amount. Do comparison, what you will pay ‘comparatively’ and what you will get. If you have other options of good university then go for it, but VU is better than those street private campuses and universities.
Point that matter most is that you are going for HEC recognized university with your limited resources. If you have thirst of knowledge you will drink it in any case.