Virtual University Complete Fee Structure and Fee Calculator

Higher education is the basic need of every young individual but the major hurdle to pursuing higher education is University Fee. Virtual University offers quality education at an affordable fee to its students. Virtual University (VU) is renowned for its flexibility and cost-effective fee structure.

Virtual University Admission Fee for Every Program

Students have to pay admission fee to secure their admission at VU. The virtual University admission fee details for every program are given below. 

Virtual University Admission Fee for Every Program
VU Admission Fee Detail

Virtual University Fee Calculator | VU Fee Calculator

VU Fee Calculator

VU Semester Fee Calculator

Total Fee: RS 0

MS – Master of Business Administration (Equivalent to MS)

Program Duration:2.5 years
Total Credits:60 (Theory: 60, Practical: 0)
Total Semesters:5
Admission Fee:7,000 PKR
Registration Fee:2,500 PKR
Security Fee (Refundable):10,000 PKR
Entry Test Fee:1,000 PKR
Admission Form Processing Fee:500 PKR
Societies and Sports Fund:500 PKR
Enrollment Fee per Semester:3,000 PKR
Tuition Fee per Credit Hour:2,750 PKR
Tuition Fee (based on total theory credits of the program):165,000 PKR
Thesis Fee:500 PKR
Convocation Fee (one time mandatory):2,000 PKR
Fee Collection Charges per Semester:100 PKR
Endowment Fund Fee:1,000 PKR
Total Fee (Inclusive of security amount):220,000 PKR
Total Fee (Exclusive of security amount):210,000 PKR
*Fee payable at the time of admission:22,350 PKR

MS – MS in Computer Science (Within Pakistan)

Program Duration:2 years
Total Credits:33 (Theory: 33, Practical: 0)
Total Semesters:4
Admission Fee:7,000 PKR
Registration Fee:2,500 PKR
Security Fee (Refundable):10,000 PKR
Entry Test Fee:1,000 PKR
Admission Form Processing Fee:500 PKR
Societies and Sports Fund:500 PKR
Enrollment Fee per Semester:3,000 PKR
Tuition Fee per Credit Hour:2,750 PKR
Tuition Fee (based on total theory credits of the program):90,750 PKR
Thesis Fee:500 PKR
Convocation Fee (one time mandatory):2,000 PKR
Fee Collection Charges per Semester:100 PKR
Endowment Fund Fee:1,000 PKR
Total Fee (Inclusive of security amount):142,650 PKR
Total Fee (Exclusive of security amount):132,650 PKR
*Fee payable at the time of admission:13,350 PKR

How to Use VU Fee Calculator

  • Students Select their degree Program from the drop-down Box.
  • Students enter the total number of enrolled credit hours in the ‘Number of Credit Hours’ field.
  • If a student is enrolled in BioSciences or Computer Sciences Practical subjects, the Student selects the degree program type and writes the Number of Practical Subjects in the respective field.  
  • Students will find their total fee in the total fee fee field.
  • Note:  In this calculator, RS: 500 sports fund fee and RS:1100 Semester enrolment fees are added for students convenience. Sports fund vouchers will be generated separately.
  • This calculator is for BS, Bed, ADP, Zero Semester, and MS Programs.
  • When a student passes out of his degree program he will be charged a Convocation fee of Rs. 2,000. Students have to pay a convocation fee to get a transcript, degree, and other certificates from the University.

What is Credit Hour?

In semester system, a credit hour is a unit of measurement that reflects the time a student must have to study for a specific course within one semester. Usually, one credit hour corresponds to one hour of class time per week during the semester. Credit hours are employed to quantify the academic workload associated with a course and play a crucial role in tracking a student’s advancement toward completing their degree.

Virtual University Credit Hours
VU Credit Hour

Virtual University OffersQuality Programs at Affordable Fees

Virtual university offers an extensive range of high-quality programs at affordable fees. Virtual University faculty is highly qualified and experienced, and the updated curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students. VU degree programs are also recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. Which Makes a Virtual University degree recognized by employers and governments around the world.

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